[cvsnt] Question about cvs remove.

Jurko Gospodnetiæ mangled at to.avoid.spam
Mon Aug 16 13:36:51 BST 2004

  Hi all.

  I have a question about how cvs remove works.

  I assume it should remove the files from the sandbox and mark
them to be removed from the CVS server on next commit. That
should be an operation that by itself makes no contact with the
CVS server.

  However, if I try to use it when I am disconnected from the
CVS server it fails saying that there is no such repository. Also,
if I create another repository locally with the same name but no
contents then the cvs remove command succeeds and I can later
commit to the real repository to have the files removed for real.

  Something smells fishy here... :-)  Could someone explain this
behavior to me?

  Best regards,

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