[cvsnt] webdevelopment with cvsnt - a bit lost

Wojciech Jukowski wojciech at jukowski.com
Tue Aug 31 12:50:33 BST 2004


We have decided to set up CVSNT, to keep control over our web sites' 
source code. It would be perfect, if the only thing developer should do, 
would be commit changes in his/her local sandbox. Seems easy - "a 
postcommit exporting current copy into document_root". There is though 
one problem - before publishing on public server we test whole 
application on a devel site.

So far I got an idea: developer does a "cvs commit" to export file on a 
devel site and "cvs tag" to publish a file. First part is easy - a 
postcommit. Seconds still is a bit problematic for me -- how to check if 
a tag was added? I tried 'cvs history -xT -a test.txt' but i get "No 
records selected." :(

Is there another way to check tags? Or maybe someone has completly 
diffrent idea how to handle a problem of devel and production site?

Best regards,
Wojciech Jukowski

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