[cvsnt] Re: Pros and Cons of using network drives toCheckout/commit from CVSNT

Peter Crowther Peter.Crowther at melandra.com
Fri Dec 3 17:09:49 GMT 2004

> From: Torsten Martinsen [mailto:torsten at tiscali.dk] 
> Offtopic, but: I would recommend that you upgrade to the Corporate 
> edition of EA which enables you to store the model in a database, 
> thereby enabling concurrent development.

+1.  You gain concurrent development and the ability to roll back to a
point in time (depending on your RDBMS - we're a small shop and use MSDE
for this).

> Since the .EAP files are binary 
> files anyway, you do not gain that much by keeping them in CVS.

You lose - unless you keep only the central .eap in CVS, you risk losing
changes.  And if you keep only the central .eap, who checks it in and

		- Peter

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