[cvsnt] upgrade to 2.0.58d

Stéphane Nicoll Stephane.Nicoll at bsb.com
Mon Dec 6 15:04:58 GMT 2004

Hello list,
I upgraded CVSNT from a 2.0.11 version to the 2.0.58d. Upgrade with our repository was ok on my local box. I then did the upgrade on the same repository to our server, running windows 2000 server. 
I can login, update and do usual commands but when a commit, I have the following message:
C:\workspace\test2\applications\jf>cvs update
cvs server: Updating .
M project.properties
C:\workspace\test2\applications\jf>cvs commit project.properties
Checking in project.properties;
/bsb-jf/applications/jf/project.properties,v  <--  project.properties
new revision: 1.3; previous revision: 1.2
Unable to rename file /bsb-jf/applications/jf/,project.properties, to /bsb-jf/ap
plications/jf/project.properties,v for 1 second, still trying...
Unable to rename file /bsb-jf/applications/jf/,project.properties, to /bsb-jf/ap
plications/jf/project.properties,v for 2 seconds, still trying...
Unable to rename file /bsb-jf/applications/jf/,project.properties, to /bsb-jf/ap
plications/jf/project.properties,v for 3 seconds, still trying...
Unable to rename file /bsb-jf/applications/jf/,project.properties, to /bsb-jf/ap
plications/jf/project.properties,v for 4 seconds, still trying...
Unable to rename file /bsb-jf/applications/jf/,project.properties, to /bsb-jf/ap
plications/jf/project.properties,v for 5 seconds, still trying...
Unable to rename file /bsb-jf/applications/jf/,project.properties, to /bsb-jf/ap
plications/jf/project.properties,v for 6 seconds, still trying...
Unable to rename file /bsb-jf/applications/jf/,project.properties, to /bsb-jf/ap
plications/jf/project.properties,v for 7 seconds, still trying...
Unable to rename file /bsb-jf/applications/jf/,project.properties, to /bsb-jf/ap
plications/jf/project.properties,v for 8 seconds, still trying...
Unable to rename file /bsb-jf/applications/jf/,project.properties, to /bsb-jf/ap
plications/jf/project.properties,v for 9 seconds, still trying...
Unable to rename file /bsb-jf/applications/jf/,project.properties, to /bsb-jf/ap
plications/jf/project.properties,v for 10 seconds, giving up...
cvs [server aborted]: cannot rename file /bsb-jf/applications/jf/,project.proper
ties, to /bsb-jf/applications/jf/project.properties,v: Permission denied
cvs commit: saving log message in C:\DOCUME~1\sni\LOCALS~1\Temp\cvs14D6.tmp
Any idea where it's coming from?

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