[cvsnt] Distributing load across several CVS servers (Transparent Proxy)

Raymond Zhang zhangxf at pmail.ntu.edu.sg
Fri Dec 10 06:01:09 GMT 2004

Hi all,

In the recent release of CVS
(https://ccvs.cvshome.org/servlets/NewsItemView?newsItemID=120), or refer to
CVS manual
(https://ccvs.cvshome.org/files/documents/19/558/cederqvist-1.12.10.pdf) in
section 2.9.7 on page 28, there is a long awaited feature: support for
distributed CVS server with transparent write proxy. Meaning that multiple
replication of the same CVS repository can be created with a transparent
write proxy to write back any changes to the primary server.

As this is a very useful feature for distributed development teams working
on the same project in different countries, esp. those with very poor
network infrastructure. I am wondering whether CVSNT also have or planning
to have such features?

I love CVSNT for its integrated authentication with Windows and easy
management of access control through windows file system. But this
transparent proxy feature is just a feature that is too important to miss.

Raymond Zhang

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