[cvsnt] Re: Cvsmailer

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Tue Dec 21 23:21:00 GMT 2004

On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 14:11:42 -0600, "McCarter, Stacy"
<Stacy.McCarter at dor.mo.gov> wrote:

>Im having an issue with the -l switch in the loginfouser's cvsroot file. I
>have 3 repositories under the cvsrep directory. And I added the -l switch
>into the loginfouser's file in order for CVSMailer to only send e-mail to
>those recipients from a specific module, however, it is not working. It will
>only either send mail to ALL user's or no NO user's. Could you please help
>me with this?
>CVS 2.0.8

Please contact me via the CVSMailer webpage at:
In order to get help you from me you must supply more info than this,
for example the contents of your loginfo file(s), the CVSMailer.ini
file, logfiles etc etc.

Please also note that both your CVSNT and CVSMailer are rather old
versions, newer releases can be downloaded at the respective websites.

There is no -l switch as such that you need to be concerned with. The
-l simply is a way for me to distinguish from which script CVSMailer
is called. The correct value of parameter #1 is -l$CVSPID in loginfo,
-t$CVSPID in taginfo and -n$CVSPID in notify.
Exactly what problem you are having can be sent to me via the webpage
instead of being posted on this list.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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