[cvsnt] New version of the ViewCvs installer for Windows

Anthony Winner awinnwe at walkabout-comp.com
Tue Feb 3 18:36:48 GMT 2004


Sorry thought that it being on a win 2003 that IIs v 6.0 was implied...

It goes through the copy phase of the install, and the install dialog has a
'finishing installation' (the last entry in the install.log is 'copying
files', it's pasted in below...), at the end of the progress bar a dialog
comes up with the error info, hit the OK in the dialog and the install goes
away. No entries are made in /inetpub/wwwroot/cgi_bin, there are entries in
the start->programs->Viewcvs for the browser and documents

an uninstall after the error takes out everything but the install.log in
/programs/cvsview, I dir a dir of the /programs/viewcvs before the uninstall
to hopefully give you a clue...

Anthony Winner
WalkAbout Computers
awinner at walkabout-comp.com
(561)712-1200  x221

---------- install.log -----------------

Starting ViewCvs installation: 02-03-2004, 13:17
Starting file copy

---------  dir.lst ----------------

 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 1444-84B4

 Directory of C:\Programs\ViewCvs

02/03/2004  01:23 PM    <DIR>          .
02/03/2004  01:23 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/17/2003  10:22 AM            57,344 CrtVdir.exe
02/03/2004  01:23 PM                 0 dir.lst
02/03/2004  01:17 PM    <DIR>          doc
02/03/2004  01:17 PM                70 Install.log
07/12/2003  09:42 PM               905 removeVdir.vbs
02/03/2004  01:18 PM            19,646 unins000.dat
01/28/2004  04:00 AM            76,741 unins000.exe
02/03/2004  01:18 PM                64 ViewCvs.url
02/03/2004  01:18 PM                68 ViewCvsDocs.url
               8 File(s)        154,838 bytes
               3 Dir(s)  25,428,172,800 bytes free

-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org]On Behalf
Of Bo Berglund
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 1:01 PM
To: Awinner at walkabout-comp.com; cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: RE: [cvsnt] New version of the ViewCvs installer for Windows

Can you supply a bit more info:
1) What kind of webserver is running on the server box (IIS/Apache)?
Including version.
2) What actually happens? Does the installer just disappear from the screen?
3) Is there a logfile created in the viewcvs directory? If so could you mail
it to me?
   It is named Install.log. It does not contain much but if it is there at
least I can
   see something.

Unfortunately I don't have W2003 so I cannot test if there are server
version issues here.


-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org]On Behalf
Of Anthony Winner
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 5:51 PM
To: bo.berglund at telia.com; cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: RE: [cvsnt] New version of the ViewCvs installer for Windows


Installing on a win server 2003, get an error toward the end of setup:
Runtime error
Internal error: Unknown constant "temp"

If I go to a cmd prompt and run set, there is an environment variable temp,
in my home dir.


Anthony Winner
WalkAbout Computers
awinner at walkabout-comp.com
(561)712-1200  x221

-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org]On Behalf
Of Bo Berglund
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2004 7:03 PM
To: viewcvs at lyra.org
Cc: 'CVS-NT List'
Subject: [cvsnt] New version of the ViewCvs installer for Windows

This is to announce that I have released a new version of the Windows
installer for ViewCvs.

URL:  http://w1.858.telia.com/~u85831169/ViewCvsSetup.html

The new stuff is:
1) Uses the latest CVS HEAD version of ViewCvs as of yesterday
2) Can now detect and install on Apache in addition to IIS
3) Tries its best at setting permissions on various files and folders so it
will work.
4) The installation is built using InnoSetup 4.1.3

I have tested this installer on my Apache 2.0.47 installation and it seems
to work out of the box.
However, I am waiting for reports from the community if there are some
oversights on my part.


Bo Berglund

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