[cvsnt] Using CVSNT throughout the Change Management Process

Tyler Theobald tyler.theobald.junk at cox.net
Thu Feb 5 17:12:13 GMT 2004

Thanks Aric,
I'll check out this link.
We are in the process of our infrastructure group taking over production
migrations from all the other IT branches, so it'll be the whole gambit of
Also, I only go to the newgroup and don't want email, so just like Bo said,
avoids SPAM.

"Czarnowski, Aric" <aczarnowski at unimax.com> wrote in message
news:mailman.221.1075994984.472.cvsnt at cvsnt.org...
> My goal is to draft a proposal to standardize everyone's
> IDE's to use CVS as the central repository, and then have
> a standard method of moving code from development to
> production.

I haven't seen a lot of response to this one because, I think, it's
slightly different everywhere and for every type of software.  You don't
say but it sounds like you're doing web interfaces?

Anyway, have you read
http://joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000043.html.  Good place to


PS:  What kind of address is Tyler Theobald [mailto:junk at nodomain.net]?
It bounces so responses are pretty difficult...

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