[cvsnt] New version of the ViewCvs installer for Windows

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Fri Feb 6 06:33:39 GMT 2004

On Fri, 6 Feb 2004 09:27:37 +1000, "Christian Hack"
<christianh at edmi.com.au> wrote:

>Just tried to install this on a NT4 Server SP6 Box. Here's some things I
>1) It gave me no choice as to where I want GnuWin32 installed. So it
>then created a Programs directory in the root of C:. Not very nice to
>force an install location like that IMO. It did allow me to select a
>location for the ViewCVS directory.

Yes, it forces the use of a directory like Programs\Gnuwin32, that is
- The path to GnuWin32 MUST be *without* embedded spaces in order to
work properly everywhere
- I don't know how to throw up a dialog for selecting an extra install
directory using Innosetup. As it is I use the built-in one, but I
check that the viewcvs directory is also without embedded spaces.

>2) I run both Apache and IIS on our box. I use and prefer Apache for
>most things, but there are few things (like our corporate virus scanner)
>that are IIS only. It would seem the installer finds IIS first and stops
>there. Can we be given a choice of server if more than one is detected?

Yes, this is a case I have not covered. I thought that there could be
only one web server installed on a given PC, so the detection used
stops as soon as one is found, in this case Apache.
Again, I would need to bring up a selection dialogue in Innosetup if
two are found. This might be easier though, I will look into it.

>3) Currently I am also getting an error during the "Finishing
>installatio" phase that says: "Python.exe - Entry Point Not Found - The
>procedure entry point CryptEnumProvidersW could not be located in the
>dynamic link library ADVAPI32.DLL". This could be due to the fact I
>haven't rebooted the machine since installing Python and the extra path
>hasn't taken effect. I can't reboot the machine right now, so I can't
>easily tell if that's the problem.

Admittedly I have not tested this one on NT4. But the previous
installer version was tested on NT4 and worked fine. I haev not
changed anything in the way it works for NT4, so I expected it to
still work. However, if there are issues inside Python, I am unable to
do anything.

>If there is something to tell me how to set it up manually in Apache,
>can you point me to it. I can't find anything but don't mind editing
>config files by hand at all.

That is very simple (MUCH simpler than for IIS!), just locate your
httpd.conf file in the Apache program folder. Then add this to it, in
the neighborhood of your other scriptaliases:

ScriptAlias /viewcvs c:/programs/viewcvs/www/cgi/viewcvs.cgi

(The installer will replace an existing line in httpd.conf that
aliases wiewcvs or if that is not found then add this line at the end
of httpd.conf)

After this restart Apache and you are done.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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