AW: [cvsnt] 2.0.26 on XP Pro -

Sinnema Paul p.sinnema at
Thu Feb 19 10:49:18 GMT 2004


Did you recently change the CVSROOT. The CVSROOT is also stored in the CVS
Repository. Take a look at the CVS\Root file. There's a macro to change the
Root directory.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: cvsnt-bounces at [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at]Im Auftrag
von Damien McKenna
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2004 07:00
An: cvsnt at
Betreff: [cvsnt] 2.0.26 on XP Pro - 

I've installed 2.0.26 on my XP Pro machine with the default installation.  I

can telnet to both 2401 and 2402 and see relevant data.  When I log in it 
gives a return code of 0, indicating success.  However, when I try to 
checkout anything, I get this:

cvs server: Updating CVSROOT
cvs server: Error connecting to host localhost: No such host is known.

cvs [server aborted]: Couldn't connect to lock server

A search on google turned up nothing.  Could it be something else I have 
installed?  I have been running AVG 6.0 (free edition) and ZoneAlarm, which 
according to the FAQ can cause problems, but disabling both of them didn't 
make any difference.

Anyone have any suggestions?
Damien McKenna - damien at -
cvsnt mailing list
cvsnt at

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