[cvsnt] CVS with LabView (binary) files

Czarnowski, Aric aczarnowski at unimax.com
Fri Feb 20 15:04:36 GMT 2004

> "*.vi" files, which must be handeld by CVS as 
> binary files. Here are my questions:
> 1. Each checkin of a file will create a complete 
> copy on the server?

Sort of, there are some tricks being played I think, but that is a fine
way to think about it.

> So, we can load old versions?

Yes, old revisions of binary archives will be available for checkout,
history, branching, etc.

> is there a way to delete old versions from the
> server?

Yes, cvs admin -o, which many including me are using to prune out old
binary revisions that we *know* we will never need.  Once the revision
is removed with the cvs admin command it is gone *forever.*

> sspi authentifivation is very slow in our network

Someone else will need to help with that question.


Aric Czarnowski
Unimax Systems Corporation

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