[cvsnt] Re: CVSView RCS error

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Mon Feb 23 22:07:03 GMT 2004

On Mon, 23 Feb 2004 12:11:49 -0000, "Ariel Machado"
<ariel at escripovoa.pt> wrote:

>It had already seen flag SHOWCHILDPROCESSES  in the README of the ViewCVS
>Windows and I activated it.
>Apparently, the error must to see when the cvs comand is executed:
>"rcsfile" "rlog" "- r" and are passed through parameters the names of all
>the existing files in this  module.
> The debug dump is:
> Child Process1
>Command Line "C:\CVS\cvsnt\cvs.exe" "rcsfile" "rlog" "- r"
>"C:/CVS/repositories/test\DLL_SCALES\acom100.dsp, v"
>"C:/CVS/repositories/test\DLL_SCALES\acom100.dsw, v"
>"C:/CVS/repositories/test\DLL_SCALES\acom100.dsw, v".... (more file
>names.. )
>Standard In:
>Standard Out & Error:
>...(enviroment variables)...
>In addition, I copied this suspicious cvs command and I executed it in
>command-line, and works correctly, not generating errors.
>But I do not know what this waiting for answer the Python code, and as the
>origin that generates east problem.
OK, if you can cut and paste the command to the command window and
execute it then you have a permission problem. Since you are on W2003
server, which I don't have much experience with, I am not surprised,
because it is really locked down...

Check up if the internet guest account IUSR_<computer> does have the
needed permissions on cvs.exe and on the repository itself.
(I have gone to some trouble setting permissions on files and folders,
but if the installer does not detect an old cvs.exe then it will use
the cvsnt one and I don't think I am actually fixing the permissions
on that file....)
1) select cvs.exe/rightclick/properties/security and look at the
accounts who have execute permissions on that file.

2) If IUSR_<computer> is missing then please add it for RX access,
then test if it works.

3) If it does then tell me and I will modify the installer (yet

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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