[cvsnt] Mergepoints

Bo Berglund Bo.Berglund at system3r.se
Wed Feb 25 11:05:26 GMT 2004

The "main line" with revisions 1.1-1.2-1.3 etc is called TRUNK. It works
like a branch really, but a special one without a branch name...

The tip of the TRUNK is the latest revision of the files with simple revision
numbers and this is "tagged" internally by CVS as "HEAD". HEAD automatically
moves up with each commit on TRUNK.

So by updating to HEAD one gets the latest files on *TRUNK*.

The idea to use HEAD as a tag in the merge operations is no good unless
one specifically wants the tip of TRUNK. HEAD does *not* refer to the tip
of any other branch at all....


-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org]On Behalf
Of Harrison, Andrew
Sent: den 25 februari 2004 10:59
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: RE: [cvsnt] Mergepoints

> From: ncal [mailto:nkale at calcas.com]
> > We have a main development branch called "Main_Dev". This 
> branch contains
> > the latest 'stable' development build.
> How did you create or name the main line of development branch? When I
> create a branch, I get 2 endpoints - the new branch, and the main-line
> (which is nameless)

Sorry, just to be extra confusing our main development branch is not
actually the main line! (By the main line I mean the one with revision
numbers 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc) To merge the main line into another branch simply
specify "HEAD" in the "Only with this rev/tag" box. (Can someone else
confirm that please, it's not something I do very often so I'm not sure.) If
you want to change your active copy to the main line from a branch, you tick
the "Reset any sticky date/tag/-k options" box. This puts the -A flag on the
update. When you are working on the main line, no text should appear in the
"Tag" details in the main WinCVS window.


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