[cvsnt] Re: cvstemp dir not clearing itself due to CVSMailer

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Wed Feb 25 20:42:21 GMT 2004

I have made a single modification to CVSMailer now.
I added this command to the start of it:
This will at least move off whatever directory was current at the
start of CVSMailer.
I will email this privately to your mail address (after taking out
junk). It would be good if you could verify if the temp dirs still
linger on after this change or if they now are cleared off.


On Wed, 25 Feb 2004 09:17:48 -0600, "Tyler Theobald"
<tyler.theobald.junk at cox.net> wrote:

>> CVSMailer is not using the CVS temp dir at all so it will not be the
>> cause of the problem. The only other thing I can think of is that CVS
>> for some reason feels that it has left a process behind and is not
>> releasing the temp dir for that reason. CVSMailer (first invocation)
>> launches itself in a separate process in order to later collect the
>> data that was combined from several CVS call to loginfo.
>> But this process is detached from CVS and should not matter.
>Well, if I set the CVSMailer delay to 0, the problem goes away.  Put it back
>to 10000 and the problem comes back, so CVSMailer is obviously involved.
>> Maybe if you scheduled a task in the middle of the night to clar out
>> the unwanted folders?
>Yea, if I can't get the root problem fixed, then that'll have to be the fix.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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