[cvsnt] Re: vendor branch and import problem

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Thu Feb 26 14:08:31 GMT 2004

Tony Hoyle wrote:

> It was added in 2.0.21, after it was pointed out you could completely
> trash your repository by typing the wrong import command.  Repository
> integrity overrides any convenience of using the same tag.

Ah, now we're talking. I think that was actually me who reported this. 
This was when you accidentally mix up vendor branch and release tag on 
import. This does not seem to be what is happening here, though...

> Currently you just have to use a different tag on each import... no
> big deal.

Sure but I should still be able to import to the same branch shouldn't 
I? As I said before, I do exactly this about once a week, last time two 
days ago using CVSNT 2.0.30 and it did not try to stop me from doing so.

> Few people use import in that way anyway - it's never
> worked properly, mostly because CVS doesn't really support
> baselines...  that would require a whole load of changes to the format
> and is something that I'm not even sure how to do yet.

I'm not sure I understand what you thought you understood of what I was 
asking about... ;)


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JID:	ogiesen at jabber.org
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