[cvsnt] Re: vendor branch and import problem

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Fri Feb 27 11:24:21 GMT 2004

Tony Hoyle wrote:

> It was added in 2.0.21, after it was pointed out you could completely
> trash your repository by typing the wrong import command.  Repository
> integrity overrides any convenience of using the same tag.

Have you read the post by Phil Richards on this thread? It actually 
looks as if it is just the other way round: Using *different* vendor 
branches on subsequent imports is what messes up the repository (unless 
combined with the -b option, I guess)! Currently this is exactly what 
you effectively _enforce_ by forbidding to use the same branch twice...

> One day if there is more info stored about tags then CVS might be able
> to tell the difference between a vendor tag and a branch tag,

Why does there have to be a difference at all? So far I have been 
working happily in the belief that the only thing that's special about 
the vendor _branch_ created by Import was its revision number and the 
fact that it was implicitly declared as the default branch.

Of course I could probably get the same functionality by importing my 
third-party sources to the trunk with the -n option (or doesn't that 
work anymore too? - after all it's effectively also always the same 
branch that I'm importing to...) and doing my own modifications on a 
branch but then the other way round is how I started so it would be nice 
if I could just continue to do so as there never was any problem with 
that process AFAICS.


----	------------------
JID:	ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:	18777742	(http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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