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Hiroshi Kuribara jr3hkrbr at yahoo.co.jp
Sun Jan 4 16:23:34 GMT 2004

Thank you for your reply, Tony.

Tony wrote

> > By the way, I noticed two things with recent cvsnt.
> > 1. Repositry has filename line, like
> >      filename    @test.txt@;
> That's for rename support in the future... best to start recording them now.

I think it's not explanation >> best to start recording them now.
This feature is big change to cvs(nt), you(we) should think
this feature carefully.
For ex, you put the file-name only. Are you thinking rename feature is
 available only in same directoly?
Please, hear other person's opinion for big feature before implementing.
Please, please.
(Of course, You can ignore me)
WinCVS and TortoiseCVS use cvsnt, vast majority of windows cvs user are rely on YOU.

> > 2. Attic-in/out file move doesn't happen with remove or re-add on trunc.
> That's deliberate - I've been depreciating the attic for a while now (it's
> just an anacronism from the old RCS days) - hopefully I'll be able to
> remove it completely in a future revision.  CVS hasn't really needed the
> attic for years - it currently just looks in both places for every file.

I agree with you that cvs doesn't need attic.
But I'm worrying about other applications look into repository are affected,
like merge-point affected to viewcvs(or cvsview? I don't know much about this)


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