[cvsnt] New user installation question

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Tue Jan 6 10:34:05 GMT 2004

On Mon, 05 Jan 2004 15:49:51 -0500, Jeff Griglack
<jeffgriglack at acsproudman.com> wrote:

>I can, however, work around this in all cases except for CVSNT.  I was 
>surprised to find that there was no apparent way to enter the Repository 
>Prefix or the Temporary Directory other than through the browser 
>dialog.  Typically, you can type the path into a text box, but not here.
>Is there an init file that I can edit to allow me to enter this information?

The information you want to enter is stored in the registry at this
The value you look for is:
RepositoryPrefix  (surprise!)
Just enter the location of the repositories top here as a string using
forward slashes instead of backslash. As example I have this in my
test machine:
RepositoryPrefix = F:/CVSREPO
Repository0 = F:/CVSREPO/TEST
Repository1 = F:/CVSREPO/PC
Repository2 = F:/CVSREPO/CML

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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