[cvsnt] Re: authorization failed... rejected access...

Ann Lynnworth ann at href.com
Mon Jul 12 10:15:50 BST 2004

>What is the config for authentication?

Ah! That *was* wrong... but now it's right ( SystemAuth is "no" (which 
works on my other machine) ) and I'm still not getting in.

>   What is in the passwd file? Even pserver users are validated against 
> the domain in the 'default setting' environment, and I think the passwd 
> file adds to that.  When using a name in the passwd file, you need to 
> specify an account to use when impersonation is enabled (that'll be the 
> acct you need to set up with correct NTFS, but you probably know that already).

This part is okay, I'm 99% sure because I used the same technique on the 
other server. I am mapping from pserver accounts to Windows accounts, and 
those Windows accounts are valid, and have permission to use the repository 
etc. folders.

>>The error message is always the same, when I try cvs login
>>"authorization failed: server blah rejected access to /path/path2 for 
>>user fred
>>I suspect this is because the impersonation is failing. Why? Because I 
>>have triple, quadruple checked config, passwd, readers and writers, and 
>>all the directory permissions, and can find no errors.
>>Important: the installation setup routine (install shield exe) FAILED on 
>>this server, repeatedly, always on the final installation screen.  It 
>>would just hang.  No error message anywhere, not even in EventLog.  I had 
>>to end-task.
>Could be the LSA helper install failing??? I had trouble with my old NT4 
>prod server failing on the upgrade, but I ended up moving CVSNT to a newer 
>machine with Win2K (it wasn't an upgrade, and later upgrades went smooth).

First I've heard of an LSA helper install... I don't know.

>>So I'm sure that my manual installation of all the files has missed some 
>>key step which enables something, probably the impersonation feature?
>>Is there any way that someone can diagnose this "authorization failed" error?
>Run "cvsservice -test" and use "cvs -t -t -t" against it to get debug 
>info.  Hopefully something will be of use in diagnosis.

I stopped the service then ran cvsservice -test.  That gives some more info 
on the client side (tortoise cvs):

Fatal error, aborting.
cvs [checkout aborted]: CVSRECSTORE: Switch to user failed due to 
configuration error.  Contact your System Administrator.

Only problem is, I'm the System Administrator and I have no idea ! <g>

The cvsservice is installed and running under LocalSystem.  It gives this 
feedback when started with -test:

Impersonation is enabled
Starting auth server ...
CVS initialized successfully.

I wasn't sure what to do with the -t -t -t idea.

Thanks very much for the quick reply.


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