[cvsnt] error when access cvsnt from linux

Richard Wirth r.wirth at wirthware.de
Thu Jul 15 07:23:32 BST 2004

Hello zhousp,

Thursday, July 15, 2004, 7:37:34 AM, you wrote:

z> hi,all

z> I set up a cvsnt box on windows 2003 as server,then I want access my server
z> from linux:

z> [root at redflag bin]# cvs -d
z> :pserver:ansi at login
z> cvs login: CVSROOT may only specify a positive, non-zero, integer port (not `e:').
z> cvs login: Perhaps you entered a relative pathname?
z> cvs [login aborted]: Bad CVSROOT:
z> `:pserver:ansi at'.

You have (at least) two options:
- first use repository prefix (a free choosen name that serves as an
  alias for the repository set in control pannel), make shure it
  starts whit '/'

- second use ':pserver:ansi at' as your CVSROOT
  which will be understood by the server

Best regards,
 Richard                            mailto:r.wirth at wirthware.de

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