[cvsnt] Re: What is a repository prefix?

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Thu Jul 22 19:42:21 BST 2004

Carl T. Dreher wrote:
> I've been trying to get CVSNT to work with Eclipse.  I keep seeing all
> these warnings about setting a "repository prefix".  A search of the
> CVSNT site came up with lots of uses of the phrase but not one stinking
> definition of what it is!

If you're new to CVSNT it is netter *not* to try to get it to work with 
eclipse - the CVS code in eclipse is extremely flaky (barely beta 
quality IMO).

Use a proper frontend eg. Tortoise, WinCVS or SmartCVS and you'll find 
out that CVS is much better than VSS...


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