[cvsnt] Re: What is a repository prefix?

rfplctu02 at sneakemail.com rfplctu02 at sneakemail.com
Thu Jul 22 22:21:14 BST 2004

On Thursday, July 22, 2004 at 12:42 PM, Tony Hoyle wrote:
> Carl T. Dreher wrote:
> > I've been trying to get CVSNT to work with Eclipse.  I keep 
> seeing all
> > these warnings about setting a "repository prefix".  A search of the
> > CVSNT site came up with lots of uses of the phrase but not 
> one stinking
> > definition of what it is!
> If you're new to CVSNT it is netter *not* to try to get it to 
> work with 
> eclipse - the CVS code in eclipse is extremely flaky (barely beta 
> quality IMO).
> Use a proper frontend eg. Tortoise, WinCVS or SmartCVS and 
> you'll find 
> out that CVS is much better than VSS...
> Tony

I've been using CVSNT with WSAD 5.0 without too much trouble.
We weren't using the repository prefix, though.  I just 
upgraded to 2.0.51 to make use of the new path aliasing.
Seems to work fine with WSAD.  My guess is that if you
(Carl) deleted the repository prefix in the configuration,
you wouldn't have trouble with Eclipse.

I don't use Eclipse's CVS library to do CVS stuff in my
java apps, though.  The library that they use with
Netbeans (http://javacvs.netbeans.org/library/) seems to 
work great for this, and it seems pretty stable.

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