[cvsnt] WinCVS or TortoiseCVS?

Aaron Kynaston akynaston at novell.com
Fri Jul 23 16:44:27 BST 2004

Our team uses a combination of Tortoise, WinCVS and the command line. 
It's pretty much just been the preference around here, however, Tortoise
seems to have become the favorite because of the lightweightness and

>>> "Paul Nusbaum" <paul.nusbaum at cgi.com> 7/23/2004 7:05:32 AM >>>
Hi there !

I realize not that there are more then one end-user CVS tool available
I've installed both WinCVS and Tortoise to test them out.


So far I have noticed that Tortoise integrates into the Windows
Explorer -
coming from the Rational ClearCase camp this is definitely a feature I


Otherwise I'm mostly unfamiliar with these tools - and was curious what
tool of choice is for client machines, and why?


Thanks !


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