[cvsnt] Re: WinCVS or TortoiseCVS?

Aaron Kynaston akynaston at novell.com
Mon Jul 26 17:31:20 BST 2004

I guess becuase my team moved from SourceSafe, we were a little jostled
when moving to something that was so different (and keep in mind this
was many versions back, we haven't seen the latest WinCVS) -
SourceSafe's GUI was fantastic, it was frustrating that the database was
so problematic.  WinCVS seemed somewhat un-natural to me at first, it's
possible I simply didn't give it enough time.

Now . .if we can get some one to build a SourceSafe type GUI on top of
CVS . . .  This would be me -> :-)

>>> Tony Hoyle <tmh at nodomain.org> 7/23/2004 1:33:38 PM >>>
Paul Nusbaum wrote:
> So far I have noticed that Tortoise integrates into the Windows
Explorer -
> coming from the Rational ClearCase camp this is definitely a feature
I like.
> Otherwise I'm mostly unfamiliar with these tools - and was curious
what your
> tool of choice is for client machines, and why?
A lot of people I work with prefer WinCVS because its a 'thing' they
point to
and call CVS.  Most of them stay in flat view so they have a running 
list of modified files.  Personally I use both, depending on what mood

I'm in at the time.

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