[cvsnt] Re: unable checkout file by tag

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Tue Jul 27 15:17:33 BST 2004

On Tue, 27 Jul 2004 18:12:39 +0400, Iakov Glubokiy
<iglubokiy at infotecs.ru> wrote:

>Hello Tony,
>Tuesday, July 27, 2004, 5:48:37 PM, you wrote:
>>>Actually, this script for 81 tags took several hours to complete
>>>(though 'proj' contains only two files by several bytes). Weird that
>TH> This sounds like an error on your server.  I wouldn't expect 2 files
>TH> to take more than about 2-3 seconds per tag.  I doubt it's cvsnt
>TH> related directly... there will be something causing your server to run
>TH> slowly and it's impacting cvsnt.
>'ps' and 'top' say that it is cvsnt causing server to run slowly.
>And 'strace' shows that cvsnt is reading (all the?) files from different modules of
>the repository.

If your val-tags file has been altered/corrupted in some way it'll
rebuild it by scanning the entire repository.  It will only do this as
a last resort though if there's no other way of verifying the
existence of the tag... I've never seen it in real use (all versions
of CVS have this mode, but few ever see it).


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