[cvsnt] Re: unable checkout file by tag

Iakov Glubokiy iglubokiy at infotecs.ru
Fri Jul 30 12:24:14 BST 2004

Hello Tony,

Friday, July 30, 2004, 2:36:29 PM, you wrote:

>> As I see by file access log, it scans _all_the_ files in repository
>> before creates new val-tags file (not till first containing tag). And
>> apparently doesn't add all found tags in val-tags, but only one needed
>> for checkout (remember, it behaves the same for each new tag, and each

TH> Ouch...  That definately needs changing.  I thought it stopped when it
TH> found the tag.

I guess it would be better to scan _all_ the files, but add but add in
val-tags all the found tags. If it really does this as a last resort.
This would solve problem with legacy incorrect val-tags - fixing it
tag-by-tag and even by hand is very tedious.
Besides, it worth fixing that tag doesn't update val-tags. I can't see
any reasons for such behaviour. Are there?

By the way, I just found out that

cvs co -p -r tag module/project

does not updates val-tags at all, though scanning all the repo files
and giving tagged files contents (As I reported before, 'cvs co -r tag
module/project' does update).

>> Is there at least any way to rebuild val-tags fully, not tag by tag?
TH> I don't think so (although you could edit it by hand of course).

We would wait for fixed version :)

Best regards,
 Iakov                            mailto:iglubokiy at infotecs.ru

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