[cvsnt] How do I disable the Unix->Windows Line ending conversion?

Mikael Carlsson mikcarls at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 1 15:01:44 BST 2004

How do I disable the Unix->Windows Line ending conversion?
I am using CVSNT (2.0.41a) & TortoiseCVS (1.6.11). I am working with
windows development and some Unix development in perl.
All the perl files are edited on the Windows computer and distributed
via Ftp to the unix platform.
With the new CVSNT server and Tortoise client, the Unix files get
converted to windows format which doesn't work so well the Unix server
This must have changed since the previous versions I used (CVSNT version & TortoiseCVS version 1.2.2.). I had a crash on my CVSNT
server, so when I restored the backup I upgraded my software. I would
prefer to keep the new versions instead of downgrading...

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