[cvsnt] Re: tag versus rTag

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Fri Jun 11 14:50:35 BST 2004

Dan Pupek wrote:

> I want to use a tag that will ocasionally be moved forward. What is the best
> option tag or rTag?
> I don't completely understand how they each work differently.

They don't really work differently (apart from the fact that rtag gets 
logged in the history file, while tag doesn't). They just take matter 
from different points of view:

Tag works on what is currently in your sandbox. This could for example 
be useful if you want to put a tag on a set of files that has so far no 
real other unifying relation. You could for instance pull individual 
revisions from different branches or dates and then go and tag the lot 
of them to mark them as a unity. This would not be possible as such 
using rtag unless you tag each file individually.

RTag works strictly on modules, i.e. the server's point of view. It has 
no knowledge about which branch you're currently working on or when you 
have last updated your sandbox. If you don't explicitly tell it to do 
otherwise it will apply the tag to HEAD (even though I've often seen it 
fail to do even that on files that were initially added on a branch if 
HEAD was not explicitly given - but that was before Tony deprecated the 
Attic). One possible risk of tagging HEAD is that you cannot really be 
sure you know what you're tagging as someone might have committed some 
changes in the meantime...

Hope this helps.

----	------------------
JID:	ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:	18777742	(http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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