[cvsnt] Re: Enforcing Reserved Edits

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Mon Jun 14 14:38:41 BST 2004

Tony Hoyle wrote:

> That looks OK to me, assuming D:/LocalRepos/testroot/CVSROOT exists..

It does. Funnily I found that it was in all lower case. Changing it to 
the regular all upper case didn't change anything though...

> The trace should show the path that it's trying to use... 

I'm afraid it doesn't...

cvs -ttt ver

   -> Tracelevel set to 3.  PID is 1472
   -> Session ID is 5c040cda9415a75
   -> main loop with CVSROOT=:sspi:localhost:/testroot
   -> Encryption enabled
   -> Compression enabled
   -> Requesting server cvsignore
cvs [server aborted]: Cannot access /testroot/CVSROOT: No such file or 


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JID:	ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:	18777742	(http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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