[cvsnt] CVSNT Security Clarification

NELSON Jeff JNELSON at covansys.com
Mon Jun 14 17:49:19 BST 2004

Can someone please clarify how to setup branch and head stream
permissions for me.

The way we have it implemented does not seem to work the way we expect.


Branch	UserID	Permission
		Default 	r
		User1		rwc
Branch1	Default	r
Branch1	User1		rwc
Branch1	User2		rwc
Branch2	Default	r
Branch2	User3

What we want to occur is this.
All users have read access unless granted access.
User1 full access to the HEAD stream, no update access to any other
User2 and User3 full access to Branch1, no update access to any other
User3 full access to Bracnh2, no update access to any other stream.

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