[cvsnt] Help on commitinfo file

Marlon van den Berg marlon.vandenberg at molding.fico.nl
Fri Jun 25 07:12:50 BST 2004

Chuck Kirschman wrote:
> Here's what I use in my loginfo script; Probably you need something
> similar
> #-------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> --------------------
> # parseStdin
> #-------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> --------------------
> def parseStdin ():
>     siLines = sys.stdin.readlines()
>     for line in siLines:
>         # print 'stdIn line: ' + line[:-1]
>         reposLine = re.match ("Update of (.*)", line)
>         if reposLine:
> 	  ....

I already figured out what my problem was. It seams that the commitinfo file
is executed for each sub-folder in the module. Am I right? The base folder
of the module didn't have any changed files, so there wasn't anything to
pass to the script. Due to an error in the script, an exit code of 1 was
returned and the commit action was cancelled. So the sub-folders with the
canged files were never processed by commitinfo. Now it works! Thanks for
all the help.


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