[cvsnt] Re: More Newbie Questions

Steve Forsyth steveforsyth at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 28 23:06:35 BST 2004

Sorry if I have already sent this out... I think I asked but it didn't go 
through for some reason.

So... if I want to use the ext wrapper for SSPI...

1) download the binarys... extract the extnt.exe and extnt.ini files and 
throw them into my cvsnt dir... restart?  do I need the latest 

2) change the extnt.ini as stated below.

3) I have IntelliJ and Eclipse IDEs accessing cvsnt... it seems like your 
saying that I need just the extnt.exe file located somewhere on my client 
and I then point my IDEs to my extnt.exe file? This would make since 
probably if I could find any good documentation on how to setup either of 
these IDEs with an ext program.... or maybe I'm confused... you mention to 
point the IDEs at the executable but I don't see anything about pointing to 
an executable, just how to setup the connection string.


>From: Tony Hoyle <tmh at nodomain.org>
>To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
>Subject: Re: [cvsnt] Re: More Newbie Questions
>Date: Sat, 26 Jun 2004 22:31:54 +0100
>Steve Forsyth wrote:
>>I know that someone had mentioned earlier that the EXT protocol would be 
>>in a future build of cvsnt... and now this... can anyone verify whether 
>>the EXT protocol is in a current build and if so... which build? And 
>>forgive me if I worded this incorrectly, maybe I want to say the ext 
>>wrapper for the sspi protocal? :)
>>I am using IntelliJ which supports either pserver, ssh1 or ext.... pserver 
>>is insecure, I have heard from this list that ssh1 is very insecure as 
>>well, and therefore I'm left with ext... I would really love to use sspi 
>>if I can and this would allow me to do that.
>It's in 2.0.46 - I haven't documented it yet but it's relatively easy to 
>Basically you fill in your server details in extnt.ini, then point your 
>client at the extnt.exe for use as its external protocol.
>eg. for example for cvs.myserver.com add the following to extnt.ini
>Then in your client set a root
>:ext:me at cvs.myserver.com:/repository
>And tell the client to use extnt.exe as its external protocol handler (how 
>to do this varies between applications).
>Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
>Tony Hoyle <tmh at nodomain.org>  Key ID: 104D/4F4B6917 2003-09-13
>Fingerprint: 063C AFB4 3026 F724 0AA2  02B8 E547 470E 4F4B 6917
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