[cvsnt] Re: CVS vs. Subversion
Jeff Urlwin
jurlwin at esoftmatic.com
Sun Mar 7 13:54:33 GMT 2004
My $0.02. I was encouraged to use svn over cvs for an open source project
(perl module) that I work on. I did not have my source available via any
internet-sharable repository. I was pleasantly surprised to see how easy it
was to move to svn from cvs.
Some differences that I notice are:
- .svn directory in each "controlled" directory contains copies of
all files (be ready to handle that when you have that perl script that
modifies all the files in a tree!) The downside is the extra copy and what
you can accidentally do to it. The upside is that I can be completely
disconnected and still do svn diff...:)
- tags -- I like tags in CVS better, because I feel it's more of a
read-only snapshot. In svn it's a simple "copy" (which just updates it's
database -- copying is VERY cheap) and people can checkout a tag, then
update from there. I'm sure there is a way to make a tag read-only, but I
haven't taken the time. I just don't want an accidental update to happen
- mv / cp / rm operations are fully tracked in the system. I really
like this. Java refactoring, renaming case-sensitive files and still
keeping a history of where it came from and when is really nice. In
practice, I haven't pushed this yet.
- branching/merging -- Tony -- would you ever consider pushing your
branching and mergepoint knowledge and efforts to SVN??? (doesn't that say
enough?). Seriously, I know that's in the plans for svn, but right now you
have to manually track your branches and merges. The recommended method is
via log comments. That's going to cause issues and having true branching
and mergepoints is what is needed.
- setup: cvs has less dependancies and svn is *very* new and has
dependancies on more updated packages (neon, bdb, etc), so I would expect
cvs to setup faster and easier (and it does). You also have more options
with svn, in terms of how to set it up, but I would probably always choose
the WebDAV front-end and the associated extra work to set that up.
- protocols & authentication: here's where it gets sticky. CVS
supports *so* many protocols, but I still use :pserver:... My developers,
when they need to get in from outside, use vpn to access the databases
anyway, so it's not a significant issue for me at this time. Small network,
small dev team. Authentication options for CVS are more straight-forward,
but I honestly can't tell you if it has more options (out of the box yes,
but read on). The authentication options for CVS seem better, but I haven't
dug in. I will presume that the vast majority who will use svn will setup
the apache WebDAV front-end, because that provides the most flexibility --
HTTP or HTTPS + all the mod_auth_xxx modules that apache provides/allows --
which seems to be a lot. There is a mod_auth_sspi, mod_auth_ldap, etc.
That will probably cover many windows installations.
Generally speaking, svn is on the right track, but needs some more soaking
time and 3rd party support. I will use it for OS projects and might use it
for more personal ones, but I'm not pushing it on my developers yet due to
lack of IDE support in Oracle's Jdeveloper -- which I'm sure will be coming.
When the stronger branching is there, it will be complete enough to replace
CVS in many more areas.
> > However, this is in no way a reflection on the fine work
> that Tony has
> > been
> > doing with CVSNT. We have been very happy and much more
> productive because
> of
> > Tony's extensions to CVS. It's just time to move on to the next
> > generation
> > system...
I'd like to echo John's sentiments that Tony has done a fine job! I
wouldn't be using CVS if it weren't for cvsnt and Tony's efforts... I'd
still be using VSS (ouch).
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