[cvsnt] Re: Migrating CVS in CVSNT

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Wed Mar 10 10:12:20 GMT 2004

guastatore wrote:

> I'm using CVS single exe on my windows 2k pro pc and it works fine with
> a repository on C: root. Such as client I'm using WinCVS and BorCVS
> into Delphi IDE.

You are already using CVSNT then. You're just not using the server part 
of it yet. The cvs binaries that come with WinCvs 1.3.x are those of CVSNT.

> Now I'm planning to use CVSNT to share my repository with another
> developer via Internet. Now, my questions are:
> 1. Have I to create another repository or CVSNT is able to see the same
> repository without any problems ?

Yes, no changes to the repository are required. All you have to do is to 
install and start the CVSNT server and specify the root directory of 
your repository on the CVSNT control panel's Repository Roots tab.

> 2. Which parameters Have I to modify in WinCVS (or BorCVS) to use CVSNT
> exe in place of cvs exe ?

In theory you don't have to change anything. However, as you are going 
to access the repository concurrently I'd recommend to change the access 
method to SSPI for your local machine as well. You could for instance 
use WinCvs' Change CVSROOT macro to change the connection string for 
your existing sandboxes.

> 3. Other hints that I didn't think for ?

For your remote developer you will have to create a valid Windows user 
account. He should then be able to connect using SSPI with user name and 
login as well (you don't need the login locally yourself). If he's not 
connecting from a Windows machine, sserver might be a better choice but 
it's not yet supported by current WinCvs builds.

In general I'd consider moving the repository and the CVSNT server to a 
dedicated machine instead of keeping it on the same machine you work on.

Hope this helps.

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JID:	ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:	18777742	(http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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