[cvsnt] Re: Sspi authentication problem

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Thu Mar 11 23:12:37 GMT 2004

On Fri, 12 Mar 2004 09:00:41 +1000, "Craig Gaffney"
<gaffney at rinstrum.com> wrote:

>G'Day everyone,
>	I am having some problems with the sspi protocol.
>	I have a Win2K machine (my workstation), that I am testing CVSNT
>on. The filesysytem is NFTS, and there is more than enough space free on
>the workstation.
>	I setup a CVSUSers Group, and made my domain account a member. I
>created the c:\cvsrepo (CVSUsers group & SYSTEM user all permissions) &
>c:\cvstemp directories (SYSTEM user all permissions).
>	I installed CVSNT, keeping all the defaults. I then created a
>repository called test, and set the repository prefix to c:\cvsrepo.
>Both the CVS Service and CVS Lock service were started.
>	When I try the following command
>	c:> cvs -d :sspi:jim.local.ranger.com:/test login<enter>
>	CVS Password: <domain account password><enter>
>	I get the following response
>cvs [login aborted]: Can't authenticate - server and client cannot agree
>on an authentication scheme (got '')
>	Have I forgotten something during the setup? Is there some other
>issue that I have overlooked?

SSPI comes in two flavors:

A)  :sspi:servercomputer:/repo
B)  :sspi:user at servercomputer:/repo

In case A you never log in because you have not specified which user
to log in. Instead the curretly logged on (domain) user on the
workstation is assumed as the CVS user and his credetials are used
transparently. No login.

In case B you use cvs login and you get to type the user's domain
password and then you are accepted (as that user) for CVS.
Note that in this case the user and password are cached in the
registry (HKCU hive) and will be reused whenever an operation is done
towards the same CVSROOT. Only need for login once.

You should test a command like this instead:
  cvs -d :sspi:jim.local.ranger.com:/test ls

This should list the modules on the /test repository (probably just
CVSROOT at the moment).



(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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