[cvsnt] Problem setting up a CvsNT server on WinXP.

Bo Berglund Bo.Berglund at system3r.se
Tue Mar 16 16:56:23 GMT 2004

Far fetched idea maybe, but how about using the forward slashes that
CVS is used to?
cvs -d :sspi:localhost:/Test version

This of course will work only if you have (replace D:\Somepath with what you have):
1) Set a RepositoryPrefix = D:\somepath
2) Created and initialized a repository folder D:\Somepath\Test
3) Added D:\Somepath\Test to the list of repositories served by this server
4) Resarted CVSNT service

Instead of always specifying the CVSROOT on the command line you can do:

set CVSROOT=:sspi:localhost:/Test
cvs version
cvs ls

What do you mean by "Installing CVSNT under a user account..."????
CVSNT is a system service and must run as SYSTEM, not in any normal
user account context.


-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org]On Behalf
Of Jurko Gospodnetiæ
Sent: den 16 mars 2004 17:35
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: [cvsnt] Problem setting up a CvsNT server on WinXP.

  Hi all.

  I tried setting up CvsNT on my machine but ran into a problem.
Every time I try to connect to my server using a sspi protocol I
get an error: 'cvs [version aborted]: Can't authenticate - server
and client cannot agree on an authentication scheme (got '')'

    - Windows XP Professional with all Windows updates.
    - CvsNT version 2.0.34 (both full and typical installations)

  Command used to repeat the buggy behavior:
    'cvs -d :sspi:localhost:\Test version'.

  I wasn't able to fix the problem by trying any of the following:
    1. Simply reinstalling CvsNT.
    2. Reinstalling CvsNT in a folder that does not have spaces
        in it's path ('c:/cvsnt').
    3. Reinstalling CvsNT under a user account that has a simple
        name ('GGG').

  The '\Test' repository has been created, CVSROOT and temp
folders set on the server side and I have checked access
privileges to both of them.

  If I connect directly using a 'local' protocol then everything
works as expected.

  I've searched on the net for more information, but came up
only with some other people asking about the same problem,
but never saw a solution.

  Is there anything newbie-like I am doing wrong?

  Thanks in advance.

  Best regards,

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