[cvsnt] Re: Problem setting up a CvsNT server on WinXP.

Jurko Gospodnetic mangled at to.avoid.spam
Thu Mar 18 11:02:45 GMT 2004

  Hi Tony.

> The reason is that imon breaks handle inheritance for sockets, as
described in
> This is a basic system function (documented to work in all versions of
windows since windows 95), so
> there isn't any workaround that an application can do to avoid it (at
least not one that doesn't involve
> such ugly hacks it's not worth considering).

  Btw. is it possible to not use handle inheritance and instead explicitly
DuplicateHandle() to pass a handle to the derived process? That would be
a 'clean fix' on CVSNT side (even though Eset should still fix their bug in
Nod32). On the other hand, if it's not your code that's creating the other
and having it inherit Windows Handles then I guess this fix doesn't apply.

  Btw. I'm just now sending a tech support request to Eset - will send it
to their distributor and to the tech forum on their web pages.

  Best regards,

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