[cvsnt] RE: cvsnt Digest, Vol 15, Issue 80

Gates, Donald T DONALD.T.GATES at saic.com
Tue Mar 30 18:27:31 BST 2004

Three methods come to mind to accomplish automated application installation
(there may be others).

1. Winbatch (www.winbatch.com) which I use a lot to automate Windows app
installs (to include IIS 4.0). Just about anything you can do in Windows can
be done in Winbatch. And if you are willing to pay $500, you can get the
compiler bundles it all up into an exe.

2. ScriptIt.
x) I used this before I moved on to Winbatch. It is free but may not work
with Win2K or XP. (This application looks to be from the same codebase as
Winbatch. Perhaps WilsonWindowWare gave it to Microsoft, or vise-versa.)

3. Many Windows applications can be installed by scripting the Windows
installer. The level of control you can exert on the application varies, but
it is worth looking into, depending on your requirements.

See Windows Installer 2.0 Redistributable for Windows NT 4.0 and 2000 at

and Msiexec at

Don Gates

>Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 04:45:30 +0200
>From: Bo Berglund <bo.berglund at telia.com>
>Subject: [cvsnt] Re: Off topic: Is there anyway to programatically
>	start IIS	installer?
>To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
>Message-ID: <fmnh60p5m0c81mivifk5a1s645gh1eu7pd at 4ax.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>IIS is a part of Windows and the install is reached thru the Control
>Panel Add/Remove Programs /Windows Components.
>I think that trying to automatically launch this will be rather hard,
>especially since you may also bump into "Please enter the Windows XP
>CD" message...
>On Mon, 29 Mar 2004 17:11:51 -0500, "Yavuz AKYAZICI"
><yavuz at asiaminorcarpets.com> wrote:
>>Hi everyone,
>>Since everyone is a developer here, I thought it would not hurt to ask.
>>We are in the middle of a development project and this will effect some of
>>the decisions we will make.
>>I was wondering if it is possible to trigger IIS Windows installer from
>>application's installer?
>>We will try to create some webservices to use with our app but if we have
>>go thru support calls
>>for installing and configurin IIS, it will not make much sense since our
>>is aimed towards
>>average users.
>>So, is it possible to do this?
>>I mean is it possible to start IIS windows installer and even configure it
>>by another installer thru
>>running a windows script?
>>If it is, where should i look for documentation.
>>I searched google and MSDN but nothing came up...
>(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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