[cvsnt] Re: Newbie question on CVSNT and SSH

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Tue May 4 11:05:22 BST 2004

firefox wrote:
> I'm running CVSNT 2.0.34 on a Win2000 Server. On the clients is WinCVS
> installed.
> I'd like to use SSH to connect to the CVSNT server,

May I ask why? SSH is not exactly the best choice if the server is 
running Windows. There are several unresolved (unresolvable?) issues 
with the Windows implementations of SSH (e.g. OpenSSH), most prominently 
the fact that you won't be able to distinguish commits by users any more 
as all access will be performed as SYSTEM.

In a Windows-only environment the best choice is usually SSPI. You could 
let non-Windows clients use :sserver: (i.e. SSL-tunneled pserver). If 
you need to support non-CVSNT clients as well however you're probably 
stuck with SSH if security is even of the slightest concern. Regular CVS 
does not support any secure protocols beside SSH AFAIK... or does anyone 
know whether :gserver: (i.e. Kerberos) might be supported as well?


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JID:	ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:	18777742	(http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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