[cvsnt] CVSNT client on NT connecting to CVS Unix server

Paul.Edwards at UK.ING.COM Paul.Edwards at UK.ING.COM
Thu May 6 11:06:48 BST 2004

> Hi, I am having a problem using the CVSNT client command line when
> connecting to CVS on a Unix Sun 5.8 server.
> CVSNT version: 2.0.41(latest version)
> CVS server on Sun 5.8 OS Unix server: Version 1.11.6 from www.cvshome.org
> ( version about 4months old )
> Using SSH provided by Hummingbird and Exceed.
> CVS client settings:
> CVSROOT=:ext:paedw@<cvs svr machine>:/devroot/srcroot
> CVS_RSH=humsh.exe
> CVS_SERVER=/software/sbsoft/cvs/bin/cvs
> Problem:
> When using CVS on NT it successfully connects to the Unix server but then
> just hangs and does not continue.
> I have tried the following alternatives:
> - using a Win32 CVS 1.11.15( latest version) client from www.cvshome.org
> with exactly the same settings successfully connects to the Unix server
> and operates as expected.
>     However, when I use CVSNT client it still hangs.
> So, my question is: How do I get the cvsnt client to interact with the
> server or are they fundamentally incompatible?
> My 'gotchas':
>  - It is not possible for me to change the CVS version running on the Unix
> machine.
>  - I want to use WinCVS which seems to need CVSNT; I have tried it with
> the Win32 CVS 1.11.15 client and this makes WinCVS hang.
> Any help or pointers would be much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Paul.

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