[cvsnt] Are *.psd files supported in CVSNT 2.0.12?

Anne Bonham abonham at gnx.com
Wed May 19 23:47:18 BST 2004

Are Photoshop (*.psd) files supported in CVSNT 2.0.12?

I have tried everything I can think of to add *.psd files to our repository,
but no matter what, they are added as text files and are corrupted.

We use:

CVS Server --> CVSNT 2.0.12 on Unix (Solaris)
CVS clients --> WinCVS 1.3

I've tried:

1) adding *.psd files from WinCVS specifying "add binary"
2) modified cvswrappers file on server, adding this line: *.psd -k 'b'
3) adding *.psd files from CVSNT client on server (using "cvs add -kb *.psd)

Doesn't work:

$ cvs status banner_gradient.psd
File: banner_gradient.psd       Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision:    1.8     Wed May 19 22:31:16 2004
   Repository revision: 1.8
   Expansion option:    kv
   Commit Identifier:   21ce40abe04f73a0
   Sticky Tag:          (none)
   Sticky Date:         (none)
   Sticky Options:      (none)
   Merge From:          (none)

Any suggestions?


Anne Bonham | Release Manager
GlobalNetXchange, LLC
San Francisco | CA | 94104

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