[cvsnt] Re: Annotate Commands?

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Fri May 21 10:32:40 BST 2004

Jay wrote:

> Tony, thanks for your help, I really do appreciate it, but unfortunately 
> it's just not working and I've got no idea why. Whenever I put in 
> valid-request, I do get a string back with all the valid-request, and an 
> 'ok' message, but without it I get absolutely nothing.

I just might have been missing something in your specific scenario that 
forbids using regular CVS commands but just out of interest: Why exactly 
are you trying to use this complicated way of communicating with the CVS 
server (i.e. via the cvs server command) anyway? Why don't you just do 
something like:

cvs -d:local:/Repository rannotate Cinema/Browser.php > temp.txt


I would have thought that sending raw protocol data would only be 
required if one was to write his/her own CVS client...


----	------------------
JID:	ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:	18777742	(http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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