[cvsnt] Failed to store password

Beans beans_code_001 at ybb.ne.jp
Sat May 29 13:05:58 BST 2004

Hello Everyone.
I'm Beans from Japan.

I have a question. Plz help me.
I tried to install CVSNT 2.0.41a. but I had login error
"cvs[login aborted]: Failed to store password". 
Plz tell me how to resolve this problem.

My Setting is 

OS:Fedora Core1
CVSNT: version 2.0.41a
RUN:run with xinetd

 service cvspserver
   port = 2401
   socket_type = stream
   protocol = tcp
   wait = no
   user = root
   passenv = PATH
   server = /usr/local/bin/cvs
   server_args = -f --allow-root=/cvs pserver

Beans <beans_code_001 at ybb.ne.jp>

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