[cvsnt] Question about multi users working on same machine

pierce li pierce.li at utstar.com
Tue Nov 9 12:19:28 GMT 2004

> Peter Crowther wrote:
> >>From: pierce li [mailto:pierce.li at utstar.com] 
> >>I guess the hidden 'CVS' folder can't hold two different 
> >>users infomation at the same time, can it? How can I solve 
> >>this problem? I'm really suffered. Thanks!
> > 
> > 
> > Ensure that each user checks out from CVS into their own sandbox.
> > Sandboxes are one-per-user, not one-per-machine.
> > 
> > - Peter
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> This is not entirely true when working with integrated logins (SSPI). 
> If you use the :sspi: protocol, and do not specify a user name, cvsnt 
> will use your windows account.... Then, when another user comes along to 
> use the same sandbox, windows will use *his* (or her) windows username. 
>   Provided that their permissions are the same on the repository all 
> should be well.
> Now, it may bear asking why you are using CVS at all if you are all 
> using one common set of files.....
> -kz
> ------------------------------
It happens when several persons are working on a project, each of them wrote a part. Everyone completes his own part on his own computer, and finally we need to integerate it on a common plane. When errors are found, the person who is responsible for that part need to update his file and modify it. Because everyone only can modify his own files, the access right is not the same for every one. And they need to work on the same project. Then questions emerged...


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