[cvsnt] Unicode Filenames from linux cvs server are transfered as ANSI to Windows

Dietrich Schmidt Dietrich.Schmidt at bigfoot.com
Sun Nov 14 16:35:33 GMT 2004


problem summary: checking out a file with german Umlaute on Windows from
a Linux CVS server scrambles the filename.

Here is the long description:

I have set up a cvs server under Linux and installed WinCVS Beta 20 
(build 2)
under Windows. This WinCVS contains cvsnt version 2.0.51d.

I decided to go for ssl (not pserver), therefore I installed PuTTy,
created my rsa/dsa keys and configured the linux server to only accept 
rsa/dsa keys.

I configured PuTTy and Peagant, made sure I could log in without the need
for a password, good so far.

Now I configured WinCVS to use :ssh: and was able to access the cvs
repository on the linux server and to checkin/checkout.

Now comes the problem: if I create a filename with german Umlaute,
these are scrambled if checked in under Linux.
I use Linux with Unicode, and next step was to check, what happens with
Filenames with unicode on Linux - these are scrambled if checked out from 

Now I checked, that using Putty and logging into Linux requires to set the 
Window/Translation from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 - then the filenames under Linux 
are displayed correctly.

Thus I figured that the solution to my problem could be
(1) configure the ssl program used by cvs.exe on Windows to use Unicode
    (using :ssl: in the CVSROOT variable call a ssl program, but which one?)
(2) replace :ssl: in CVSROOT with :ext: and then use plinl.exe from the 
    packet and configure this to use UTF-8.

Ideas anyone?
Thanks for any help.


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