[cvsnt] Permissions on 2.0.41 for unix users???

Bo Berglund Bo.Berglund at system3r.se
Thu Nov 18 09:50:52 GMT 2004

I have finally been requested to open our CVSNT server for UNIX users
in our network.
Our Windows users exclusively connect using the sspi protocol,
but the Solaris box client cvs is 1.11 and obviously doesn't handle sspi,
so I enabled pserver on our CVSNT server (I had previously deleted that
dll to safeguard the server from pserver connections).

This is in short what I did:
1) I copied in the pserver protocol dll to the CVSNT program folder

2) I checked out CVSROOT from the repository the unix guys will work on
   to my Windows PC. Set conf to use lockserver and committed.

3) I used the cvs passwd command from my windows PC as follows:
   cvs passwd -a peters
   Then I entered a password twice (not the same as his domain pwd)

4) I checked that I could successfully log in as peters (no error)

5) Now I tried to check out a module from the server:
   C:\tmp\HWTest>cvs co AOS2
   cvs [server aborted]: can't create temporary directory D:\CVSTEMP/cvs-serv2560: Permission denied

6) I have checked that the D:\CVSTEMP folder on the server actually is full control
   for SYSTEM and Everybody and all the CVS usergroups.

Next I did the following:
7) cvs passwd -a bob (myself)
   entered a non-domain password twice

8) cvs login useing the non-domain password. Worked fine.

9) Now I *successfully* checked out the module that the user peters could not

All of the above was from my own Windows PC.

When working from the Solaris box I did this:

cvs -d :pserver:peters at server:/HW login
   (entered the password as set above in 3) This worked fine.
cvs -d :pserver:peters at server:/HW co AOS2

And I got the exact same response as in 6)...

How should I proceed to get user peters working with pserver against my CVSNT
server? Note that we are on a domain and that the user bob (myself) has logged
on to the server console several times but used a domain password which is not
the same as the one I set for pserver access.
The user peters has never logged on to the server console.
But he has been using CVS from his Windows PC many times.

I am at a loss here since I am less than literate in UNIX commands
and have never before been asked to set up a unix account on my CVSNT
Any help appreciated!

Best regards,

Bo Berglund

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