[cvsnt] Fwd: cvsnt crash

David A. Capello davidcapello at hotpop.com
Tue Nov 23 01:38:52 GMT 2004

This is a email that I send to TortoiseCVS mainling list, but
I think that it's a bug in CVSNT.

------- Mensaje Remitido -------
De: "David A. Capello" <davidcapello at hotpop.com>
A: tortoisecvs-users at lists.sourceforge.net
Asunto: cvsnt crash
Fecha: Sun, 21 Nov 2004 00:25:40 -0300

I think that this isn't a problem of TortoiseCVS, but if someone
had this error in the past, please, could tell me how to fix it.

I'm using Windows 2000 SP2, TortoiseCVS 1.8.7. When I want to login,
or add files or use in any way cvs.exe, a Windows message box

	Something bad happened to CVSNT, and it crashed.
	Unfortunately DBGHELP.DLL is too old for us to
	produce a crash dump.

An exception (0xc000001d) is produced in the address 0x00457a03.


The problem appears when cvs.exe should connect to a CVS server.
I try to debug with Visual C++ (4.0), but I can't make to much without
the debugging information:

     Unhandled exception in cvs.exe: 0xC000001D: Illegal Instruction.

...and it's produced in the line 00457A03:

     004579FC   mov         esi,eax
     004579FE   add         esp,8
     00457A01   test        esi,esi
-> 00457A03   cmove       ebp,esi
     00457A06   push        2Fh
     00457A08   push        esi
     00457A09   call        edi

I forgot, I'm using FAT32, no NTFS, I think that this should not be a
problem if I want to use CVSNT just like client.

The CVSNT version


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