[cvsnt] Re: How to convert binary files to text?

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Thu Nov 25 18:28:49 GMT 2004

> since you are also doing Delphi stuff you have
> undoubtedly done this conversion...
> How did you do it?

I did that already long before CVSNT was capable of versioning k-modes and
there were no really significant revisions of binary dfm-files in the
repository yet as we had only just begun using CVS(NT). I simply changed the
mode using cvs admin -kkv (which back then changed the mode for all
revisions of a file at once) and then carried on with what I was doing. This
more or less thrashed the binary revisions that were already in the
repository but back then it was no loss - apart from that, I suspect that I
would probably still be able to retrieve them if I explicity specified -kb
on update.

So, in that respect I'm afraid I am not much help. I still occasionally
change k-modes post-commit but that's usually from -kkv to -ko or from -kb
to -kbc, i.e. no text/binary conversion. What I currently do in those cases

cvs admin -k[whatever] filename
cvs update filename

That last step is not strictly necessary. All it does is make sure the value
displayed in WinCvs is the one that will be used for the next commit
operation. This only applies to CVSNT pre 2.0.58 obviously.

Hope this helps.

----  ------------------
JID:  ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:  18777742     (http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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