[cvsnt] Beginner Question

Sandi Wijaya sandi.w at teac.co.id
Tue Oct 26 12:11:02 BST 2004

Hi All,

I tried to setting CVSNT server in my computer. There are still some
questions in my head.
NB. CVSNT 2.0.58a for server and for client, WinCVS version Beta 17
(Build 2)

1. I added a directory in [service control panel] - [Repositories], do I
have to set environment CSVROOT?

2. I read CVSNT documentatioin but can not find how-to documentation of
[service control panel] - [advanced] :
     a. what does "Run as User" use  for ?

3. What does Password agent is used for ?
4. How do I add  CVSNT user ? in CVSNT documentation only explain in UNIX
environment. PS. CVSNT documentation from CVSNT installation

5. I already tried set Preference in WinCVS  (client setting)
    authentication : pserver
    path : /Project
    host address :    -----> this my ip address
    username : administrator     ------>  I thought it use Windows login, so
I set it to
   CVSROOT: administrator at

a) I can do login here with the setting, it means the setting is successful
? but why if change the path to C:/Project can not login ?

Error message is :
cvs -d :pserver:cvs at login
Logging in to :pserver:cvs at
cvs [login aborted]: C:/Project: no such repository
***** CVS exited normally with code 1 *****

Thank you for your valuable time and attention, I am waiting for your help.

Thank you in advance.

Sandi Wijaya

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