[cvsnt] Cannot lock Server

Nikolai Onken info at nikolaionken.com
Fri Oct 29 13:14:17 BST 2004

Hey CVSlist,

I've reinstalled a repository on a new computer and everything works fine
but commiting a new file after adding it to the repository.
I always get an error like following:

cvs server: cannot lock `C:/GlobalFramework/web/framework/index.php,v'.

Error, CVS operation failed

I've been trying for some time now but it doesn't seem to work and I've no
idea what to do.
In the log theres no error either:

CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CVS: Enter Log.  Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
CVS: Committing in .
CVS: Added Files:
CVS: 	framework/index.php 
CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

It would be great if someone had an idea of what is going wrong here.
Thanks a lot,

Nikolai Onken

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